"The Extra Tiny Reach" ...
In life, there is always ..."Hey, just a little bit and I will be successful, Hai~~" ...
I believe all of us will have this feeling. But if the frequency of this feeling is high, then I am afraid this person will have an intense poignacy.
Nonetheless, it seems that I am one of them. I am always this close. From everything in my life that can be graded. So close to success and the result is still a FAIL. After the ordeal of failing, then either someone or myself will say failure is still a route to success and learn from the mistakes to ameliorate. It is true, but the truth is meant for people to learn (from mistakes and never to repeat) and not to exploit.
But then, there are some problems which I feel worst. Some of the things in the world have only one time, that means you have only one shot and only one chance in the life. There are no more "some more"s or "chances" left. There are numerous examples. To name a few, major critical exams, including my streaming in Primary 4 to my A-level.
For me, it is not just few critical exams that is so simple. In my former entries, I have taken note of some relationships and incidents. The youthful romance, friendships. Many are "that close".
In sports, from young, I have never been real good lest for some golden eras ...
Well, the most recent one is the close shave of 4 seconds to the Silver in IPPT for me (At this stage, I am unfit but luckily, still salubrious). To get silver will mean 100 bucks richer for me. People has said that 4 seconds are easy and I am an idiot for not passing that easy 4 seconds.
Thus, in life, it is easy to say "If I have known earlier ..." or "Just this close ..." but it is always the small difference that counts. The thin line that means victory or failure. Success is always within reach of us in most of the affairs, just that one tiny steps, and glory and eternity is ours. The "
EXTRA TINY REACH" which I term, is the vital and essential ingredient of a person who want to be happy to achieve something; who want to be satisfied with their lives; and of course to obtain the results and savour the endeavour of triumph. This is also the difference between extraordinary person and just ordinary person. And in many, it is the "
EXTRA TINY REACH", that bore LEGEND (Or Singaporeans like to say "God", or people who achieve a remarkable results that are so outstanding that it becomes miraculous).
So, even after so many trials on the lessons of "
EXTRA TINY REACH", I still have not fully appreciated and cherish the chances to become extraordinary. NOnetheless, I am aware of it. So, either I buck up and instil this value or I will choose to become ordinary. To become ordinary is actually a good thing at times, but not when you whince and you groan when you become "normal".
So, I will promise myself whenever I reach a point of the "difference" or the "divergence" (In events, circumstances or even competitions) , I will have to execute the leap of
EXTRA TINY REACH. Only then, will I prevent any evocative poignancy. It is "Just do" or never. Like what Achilles told a young boy when the young boy questioned Achilles of his sanity to fight a monstrous giant warrior, in the movie blockbuster, "Troy" (starring Brad Pitt as Achilles himself), "This is why people will never remember your name ...".
(Finished on 27/6/2006, Tuesday, 2120 hrs)
"My 5 points of Importance" (Code name: Pentagon) ...
5 points of importance ... Beliefs of ancient Chinese (And probably any Chinese well versed in I Ching and FengShui) of how should the life as a person be. (Or to me, the way to lead a good and meaningful life ...)
The 5 points of Life below is as follow. Generally, many people will have the subtle ideas behind the Pentagon (My own personal term of these 5 points) base on their meanings. Chiefly, the people will have agreed that this is how one's life should be fulfilled. But to each individuals in the world, it is still different individuals that lead one's own life. Thus (Especially in my view), this only serves as a guideline and a purpose but not strict regulation. This is why there may be different version of interpretations. I am going to put my version forward in this entry of blog.
In FengShui and I Ching, there are many intangible concepts. BUt these concepts have to be converted into tangible aspects for the benefit of the understanding for most of the people. For me, likewise, there will be many tangible and intangible concepts in my views. Some are explicit, and for the others, it is up to the readers to comprehend and think. (This is why some of the readers have complained my blog is too "chim" [Difficult]. [[Well, this is the way how I do it. Or else in the 1st place, I will never have started a blog ...]])
1st - Destiny (Fate, or what I am going to become)
2nd - Luck (Good fortunes, and the high degree of smoothness while accomplishing objectives)
3rd - FengShui (Which means putting myself in a favourable spots and position)
4th - Philanthropy (Giving back ... To society ... Not just monetary)
5th - Education (Learn as You live)
At many points of view, it can be talents, beliefs and even amibitions of different individuals. To put it simple, I will depict the destiny of a healthy red bean seed, a less complicated organism.
The young seed's destiny is to grow into a full-fledged plant. And a full-fledged plant represents the adulthood when we contribute to the society and distinguish ourselves. There is also an obvious (yet discrete) responsibility - to reproduce (Immortality is not part of the life-cycle on Earth). To reproduce may mean both figurative and literal. Literally, it is the responsibility to bear offsprings (Scientifically it is to pass on the genetic information in the forms of chromosomes). WHile in figurative term, it is the responsibility to spread and pass on the knowledge and skills to the next generation.
So a full-fledged, healthy plant is to provide foods and be part of the eco-system. Be a producer and tap the energy from the sunlight , and pass on these energy to the others in the eco-system. (I do not want to elaborate on Ecology or Biodiversity, so for interested fellows, find out more on INternet or Biology Textbooks) ... In some sort, an adult in society is to contribute to the economy in terms of different skills or jobs. Then in return, taxes have to be paid and optional charity will be given. The plant(In this case, dicotyledon Angospem or flowering plant) will also give offsprings in the form of seeds.
So, like the plant, my destiny is to grow and learn, and contribute to the society. But the exact form of my contribution is still quite hazy. Soon, I will learn what is my real destiny ...
In the world, you will always need good luck. Though luck is not encouraged to be viewed as the most important factor of success, it is still acknowledged widely as an ingredient. But, there are some controversial argument of how much luck is needed or is used in order to achieve success.
Even the fact about how to derive luck or where luck comes from is also debated. To me, without the essential luck, no matter how skillful you are, you will still fail. NOnetheless, I hold on the belief of "Not everyday is a Sunday ...", and "Lady luck will smile more on Good guys ...". I respect luck but never put myself on stake with luck. Even the luckiest man on Earth will have exhausted his/her luck sooner or later. And the only person I can think of having every single luck he/she can have, will be the omnipotent, omnisient and omnipresent God (Or the monothestic version of God).
(Please read my former entries in order to find out what I perceived luck as and what my view is ...)
FengShui (Geomancy): FengShui is a big topic or subject by itself. BUt to me, I have got a general definition of something that is of good favour and good circumstances to me. With luck and your destiny, without FengShui, both the former will have been entirely useless. A saying will be, "Circumstances and Environment can determine a person ...".
Like a seed, it wants to be strong. It wants to grow into a full-fledged plant. It wants to achieve its destiny. But if the seed is in a very dry soil, a place where there is no sunlight, and trapped in a rock without sufficient air, no matter how lucky the soil is or how determined it wants to be strong, it is still limited and cannot fulfill its whole potential.
Luck and Destiny can influence FengShui but the latter also affects both the former. Humans especially the Chinese have always wanted to change their circumstances(Harsh and negative) in order to survive, to obtain happiness and to realise and fulfill their goals and destiny.
FengShui might be controversial in some sense that many people including the Westerns will choose not to believe in the exact advices and principles behind the Chinese Geomancy. But it is a telling sign, that more and more people believe in FengShui. Even if people do not want to follow the principles of the original Chinese Geomancy, they have their own successful "FengSHui".
Thus, to avoid any issues, FengShui simply means putting myself into a favourable conditions and circumstances in order to realise my full potential and goal.
There is a saying, "It is the harsh conditions that bring out the best in humans". FengShui does not mean anything about a pampered life and a condition that gives everything so that humans can become slack. Contrary to this, it proves the determination of how well a human wants to change his life to a better when he is hit to a full-sunk low. Natural circumstances (Both Good or Bad) cannot be changed or sometimes controlled (Such as a full blown natural disaster), but a wise and smart person can manipulate those conditions to his favour and hence achieving a success and a good life with a good FengShui.
My FengShui will of course have a requisite of moral values, but as any policies that benefit the majority, sometimes certain necessary evil and bitter medicines must be implemented and taken. But this will always be the LAST resort.
Anyone in the world will have tell you that you will have to give back something for we are always taking. This includes a higher philosophy of death, that means giving back our nutrients to the Earth.
Nonetheless, the giving back to society is a very common affair today in terms of monetary. Other than monetary, there are other means of giving such as efforts or time in the form of contributions.
Thus, philantropy is not just a simple thing on giving, but contributing. The contribution must benefit great mass or large organisation like society even though the contribution may be small. Small does not matter as long as the contribution is done in a serious and sincere manner.
Education:Learn as you live. We are learning everyday. Different forms of skills and not just academic. Even ideas, notions and philosophy are learned.
Education is very important. Though people might argue that schooling is in fact education (and in large aspects is true), education does not merely consists of schooling. Schools teach us mostly on academic and of course a good school will have taught life-learning skills, street-smart skills and even instil important moral values like TeamWork.
But education is more than just schooling. Researching and looking up for information yourself is infact a form of education. In the process, valuable insights are gained. There are now many tools to gain from. Library, Internet, Books and Media.
Education also comes from people around us. Environment is the one that affects and influence us tremendously. Parents and elders especially are the one that "lecture" us everyday. They are passing us knowledge too just like the schools.
But it is important to take note that even when we have reached the "highest" peak of education, and this includes when we have supposedly grown wise and old, we will still have to learn. Or simply some old ideas can no longer work in present circumstances (FengShui). Then we will have to learn and adapt new ways. Neither can we be stubborn and refuse to learn but stick to old ways.
A saying will be "Education is a way of life", and look at how true it is, in our everyday's life ...
(Last edited on 15/07/2006, Saturday, 0910 hrs)
A note:
I am too busy to input many things into my blog even though I have plenty to talk about. This shows that there will always be something that you may have to omit in life. Filter and Priortise. Anyway, the "sayings" I give in NS are very common sensical or are just pure bull shit depending on how you view them. For the inspiration part, I have input many thoughts about inspiration in my former entries. It is now time to move forward, and to input more relevant and daily stuffs into my blog.
Many people have commented it is too boring. Much as I listen to other views, I still understand that this is my own personal blog. (I do not advertise or earn any money, and neither do I add links to others) Thus, I will just do it my way, and follow my own discretion ...