Saturday, July 04, 2009

The Philosophy and Thoughts (伟训良言)

"If the gentlemen shall be pert ... She will give him such answer that he may clearly understand he is causing annoyance ... I would have her yield to her lover nothing but her spirit." - Baldessare Castiglione, Book of the Courtier (1571), for Thou truly faith in and face the PLATONIC love.

"Never attempt to explain the meaning of "Good" (Common English definition) to the Devil (A Rhetoric label and an absolute one), for the Devil would still twist and turn and make the "Good" "Evil" (Common English definition) anyway, because that is just their nature, that will never change absolutely." - A non-Rhetoric statement by Gnail I.E.W Hep Mailliw (2009).

"I think, therefore I am ... Any other claim about the world is doubtful." - Descartes; "We can know only ourselves with certainty for everything else could be an illusion ..." - Hep Mailliw -_-X

。。。心无挂碍,无挂碍故,无有恐怖,远离颠倒梦想 。。。

"Through the greatness of the universe which philosophy contemplates, the mind also is rendered great, and becomes capable of that union with the universe which constitutes its highest good." - Bertrand Russell from "The Problems of Philosophy"; Thou believed that intellectual contemplation and the love of wisdom is happiness, searching and attaining for MY "EUDAIMONIA" ...

"Lord, make me chaste, but not yet." A pert prayer to God by Saint Augustine. Thou, a non-Christian, do understand the connotation of wanting and yet not wanting to escape from the enslavement to sex ... as a young man ... -_-X

Avidya (Ignorance) is the source of our unhappiness and that Vidya (Wisdom) and Bodhi (Enlightenment) are our salvation. I have to agree to this Vedanta philosophy. -_-X

"The wise man delights in water, the good man delights in mountains. The wise move, the good stay still. The wise are happy, the good endure." - Confucius; To be wise or to be good, seemingly obvious ...

"To know how to be content is to avoid humiliation; to know where to stop is to avoid injury." - Lao Zi ; And very true, thou realised this can be applied to many walks of life and scenarios ...

If one properly understands the natural order of things, of which death is a part, then fear and mourning will no longer be necessary. One can "disperse emotion with reason". - Happiness of the Sage; (as compared to); "A passion dissolves when I can form a clear, distinct idea of it"-[Western] Spinoza's reason's control of emotions. East meet West, and thou shall be both logical and emotional for the "Golden Mean".

"Since all things in the Universe are constituted of 气, therefore men and all other things are but part of our great body ... I live, I serve the Universal parents and when death comes, I rest." - Western Inscription and the Neo-Confucianism and probably my philosophy right now ...

"What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational." - Hegel (A great Western Philosopher at least to me); [West Versus/Clashes East]; "Those who know do not say, those who say do not know." - The Book of 道 (道德经); --> Things that can be coherently and sensibly argued for can be proven and taken for real [VERSUS] the true nature of ultimate reality is almost unknowable and probably impossible to communicate.

"In the world, there is one purpose, but there are a hundred ideas about it; there is a single goal, but the paths toward it differ." - 汉书艺文志, 刘歆; the eclectic spirit of Chinese Philosophy, and the concept of diversity and yet sharing the general approaches - Eg: "Sageliness within and Kingliness without" which Confucianism and Taoism shares despite differences. Different but not so different afterall !!! -_-X

"I am struck by the large number of falsehoods I had accepted as true in my childhood" - Rene Descartes; Thou fully experience the same history as the great rationalist ...

"Words are but the images of matter, to fall in love with them is to fall in love with a picture" - Francis Bacon who pioneer and contribute new methods for Science, ("The Wisest, Brightest, Meanest of Mankind" - [Alexander Pope on him]); very true ... For our powerful brains interpret the meanings of words visually and sonically.

"I never let my schooling affect my education" -Mark Twain

Compels assent after the fact, but reveals nothing new; the idea that definitions advance knowledge is an illusion ....-_-X

"A man with self-control is a best with a mask." - Ardelus

Rationalistic thinkers were like spiders who spin their webs out of matter secreted inside their own bodies; their structures are impressive but everything comes from within, and lacks sufficient contact with external reality.While empirical thinkers, like ants, mindlessly collecting data but have only limited ideas about what to do with it.
... Hence knowledge is a form of discovery (even mindless one when one don't even define), and definitions (in a systematic Science term) is used as a form of epistemology. -_-X

Based on Mark Twain's statement.. schooling would be referring the act of attending an institution, in a presupposed purpose of acquiring knowledge... education would be the act of acquiring, retrieving and assimilating knowledge... Knowledge, discovered by both rational thinking and empirical observations, must both be processed together, to bring about a greater understanding... we could always take Einstein's thought experiments as a reference...

"Common sense is the best distributed commodity in the world. For every man is convinced he is well supplied with it" - Rene Descartes; Certainty is available in our knowledge of the world and to obtain it we just need to follow the "right" method, and the fairest of all, to build up impregnable Science that would give rock-hard, reliable knowledge -_-X.

"All beliefs must submit to being proved beyond doubt. I seek a philosophy that can establish knowledge on a guaranteed basis." - Rene Descartes ("Cogito Ergo Sum"), beginning of modern philosophy and which thou truly pursue on the ideals of the philosophy. -_-X

"All we can ever experience is the "Phenomenal" world, which may not be at all like the real "Noumenal" one. Only God can see that, as he is unrestricted by time and space and the limitations of the human mind." - Immanuel Kant, the first philosopher to show that neither Rationalists nor Empiricists got it right; Science and Religion need not conflict another ...

Hmm ... If all we can ever experience is the phenomenal (Things as they "appear") world, how can we be so confident about the existence of a nomenal (Things as they really "are") one? Hmm .....

"Logical positivism, far from being a foreign import, is just a radical restatement of traditional English Empiricism." - A.J Ayer in Language, Truth and Logic; The road to real knowledge is through Science, and no such thing as "Philosophical Knowledge"; Hm .... Though thou think that Science, a more discipline approach.

"路漫漫兮其修远兮,吾将上下而求索" - 陈家旭

"It is foolish to do with more what can be done with less. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - William of Ockham (Nominalist), the principle of "Ockham's razor", that has highly influenced Science, if not philosophy itself (Unfortunately); Thou agree that the great truths and conclusions are usually simpler, it is indeed foolish to prefer a complicated answer to a simpler one. -_-X

I hope to embody a Child's innocence and purity, this Youth's apperance and energy, the "Uncle"'s maturity and adaptation to survive in the hostile society, and that Old man's wisdom and experience. -_-X (Does that make me a freak or a strange guy? If being strange means having the good of everything, I would rather be strange ...)

人在做,天在看!多行不义必自毙。因果循环。善有善报,恶有恶报。 -_-X

做中医伟人,开伤寒良方 - 陈明老师

Affairs of heart is always the hardest to tackle. It is like the strong roots attached deep to the heart; Lacking the right nourishment is painful and dangerous. The best way is to totally remove them. But once it attaches, it is so hard to remove them. So either you must have the right nourishment, or you will have to... suffer the agony while trying to find ways to remove them or getting the right one. -_-X

只要有心去驾船,船到桥头自然直。 有实力者无须惧出卖也!-_-X


Everything else in the world can or may betray you except your own skills and efficiency. (So, from now on, thou shall fully focus on building both ...) -_-X

Do not take unrealistic shortcuts in life for you will have a cut in the short life. -_-X

The ultimate knowledge and the ultimate solution is to obtain/derive/deduce new methods, ways, ideas, techniques from something you know. -_-X

To realise the truth, the technique and the connection, you have to think as many possibilities as possible !!! -_-X

Quiet is the best place to think ... to ponder ... to be rationale ... -_-X

Sometimes it is the imperfection that makes a person perfect ... -_-X


Friends for life!!!

Friendship forever and that is true,
Given to me and to you.
Memories more good than bad,
Even moments, happy and sad.
Support heightens when in tears,
Team together when in fear.

Sweet and sour, be these ways,
The tastes have reached the very last day.
Miles away can'...t keep us apart,
For we will always be in other hearts.

Make new friends, Keep the old!
Thou hence silver and thee forth gold !
Ameigo Para Slempre!
Friends for life, forever care!!!


All small roads will eventually lead to main road. All main roads will eventually lead to Rome. -_-X

The ultimate test for the love of wisdom is to question and understand the very true meaning of the fabric of wisdom itself. For wisdom itself is dubitable ... -_-X

nanos gigantum humeris insidentes (Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants) - Bernard of Chartres(Uttered by Issac Newton). How true for humanity and us, the consecutive post-progeny should feel the gift for being the dwarfs that have stood on the weathers, fruits, bloods and knowledge of our ancestors. For this, w...e should really appreciate - From thou, a dilettante. -_-X

Is the ugly (Real) truth that ugly (detrimental)? People often do not like to admit or listen to the ugly truth and follow up with rationale decision and action. People who identify the ugly truth is not liked, because spreading the ugly truth is tantamount to being the "anti-" guy ...

Euphemism and forestalment are the solutions of the ugly truth to antagonism, but beware of a paradox of pretentious flattery. -_-X

Life can be unfair, but you can choose not to be unjust to yourself and others. Life can be very cruel, but you can choose not to be callous to yourself and others. By choosing correctly, a happy and fulfilled life accomplished and humanity be forth. -_-X

Mistakes of the past is for my experience of the present and future. The experience of the yesterday is meant for the win for today and tomorrow. -_-X The win of the history is told by generations of the progeny.

吾欲恬淡虚无,必有则改过,无则加免 !!!




Yesterday is a History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a GIFT, this is why they call it the PRESENT ...

You don't try to fail, but you fail to try !!!

There is no dominance, but cultural and diversity.

You always have a choice to do good or to minimise cruelty.

Hard Work without believing yourself is worthless !!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thought-provoking after watching Angels and Demon

Today, I have just watched Angels and Demon, thankfully not alone, but with my sister. I have always thought that I am "lonely", but I have so many good friends (Not so good ones also inculding homosexuals) and a goody enough family with me. From now on, I should promise myself, no more distractions, accomplish the best and be thankful and grateful of what I have and achieved.

I know there are many negative comments about Angels and Demon written by Dan Brown, and directed by Ron Howard. The comments are subjected to the cine-graphic, direction, or even plot. There is a natural tendency to compare between the book and the movie.

For me, I am just going to input about my thoughts generally about Angels and Demon.
In my diaryisblog years ago, I have written about Christianity, comments about faith and the books Dan Brown wrote. These views have not changed, and hence I would not be repeating the same for they are in

It is about the updates and the new things I have learned or realised.

(From Wikipedia)

For me, I have done research on Christianity on the whole, and especially with regards to the series, Catholics. From a friend (in which I shall not named), I know the terms to "sub-divide" Christianity is known as "Denomination". There is Protestants, Catholics (Also many types), Evangelists (Anglicans) and others smaller modern units like Opus Dei.

Roman Catholics is the biggest denomination of all, with around 1/6 of population (around a whopping 1.47 Billion people) and still increasing at a fast rate.

I am not a Catholic, Roman Catholic and most likely, I would never be one.

I am a Chinese Buddhist, who believe in harmony and Yin-Yang balance. What I have always questioned, intrigued and fascinated with is "FAITH". And how traditions are meant to be logical and how religion have always been about helping humans and not restricting them to progress and enlightenment. Science is the technical, Faith and Religion is the soul.

I am bemused (as shown in one segment of the show when the Vatican Police do not know about the power of Carmelengo and the what the "above" like Cardinals' roles are) that many people who proclaimed to be people of faith actually do not understand their religion well enough. I am talking religion as a whole and not just Catholics. Taking religions classes is one thing, but to truly understand, questioned amiably and read up is not what many people will do.

The last part of the series is what I have always pondered and realised.
Many wise men in the past also have issues with regard to the flaw of humans. This includes Sun Zi, who hesitates about writing/completing the Art of War, but come to a realisation that humans will always have weaknesses and therefore war will always happen, regardless of whether his book and ideals are distributed to the mass. In fact, his ideal is to save lives, so that wars can be won quickly and minimised in terms of casualties.

Religion can be flawed, no matter what the argument is. It is due to the fact that it is always and still the apostle successor, the priests, the holy man who interpret the words of "God" or bible, or Quran or teachings, and they may be wiser and more holy but they are still humans.

Science for all its logic would also be flawed, as humans have weaknesses and have flaws, as the universal truth and patterns are seeked to ensure more fairness and higher technology. Humans are the one who encompass, discover and apply the Science and technology. This is why I believe academics and intellects tend to shy away from extreme views, and give coherent and justification to their points of views, as much as possible. The application is meant for the economics and the politics.

One of the part that touched me is when the Carmelengo look at Robert Langdon in the eye and ask him whether he believes in God personally, supposedly ignoring what other people in the world want him, as an academic, to answer?

I believe I would be stunned if this question is thrown to me in the eye. My answer would still be the same as Robert Langdon. I believe there should be "higher beings", but personally, I will never know (at present) or understand who is these "higher beings" and how or whether "HE" is watching over me. As an intellect, with both logics and even emotions, I cannot give in or answer to things that I do not understand at all, to the monothelite God, the source of all.

To the Christians, the higher beings is God, Holy Spirits (Trinity), Angels, Jeus Christ, Mother Mary ...
To the Muslim, almost the same with Allah ... ...
To the Taoists, the immortals - the Emperors, real historical figures and ancestors ...
To the Buddhists, Buddhas, Bodhisavatta, Arhats ....
To the Hindus, Lord Shiva, Brahmas, Vishnu ... Holy Man ....
To the Romans and Greeks, Pagan gods ...
To the Eygptians, Ra, Iris, Oasis ....

This is why there must be a "higher being" to guide us and so forth. Of course, my inquisitive mind would have asked who is this higher being? And why is this higher being so special? Is this higher being flawless? And who will watch the watcher?

With this, in terms of Greek mythology, Zeus give humans hope, the last important creed of all, for all the evils released into the world.

History will judge how the past works and the society will determine the codes and conduct, the trend and development of human progession. Answers would always be questioned, and questions would always raise new possibilities.

With this, I end with an intellect mind that all of us must have faith or even hope, intellects or not, holy man or not, wise man or not, academics or not, impartial or not, we are still humans with emotions after all ... ... (Unless the emotions are detached ... ... but things might still turn bad relatively and so flawed as a judgement?) Flaw will always be there, and as for how we deal with it, it is a testament and determination of wisdom and resolve ... ...

Thoughts update in the Summer Holiday 2009

This is an open blog, but in other sense, my diary. I am not a pure person, that is I have been corrupted along the way as I grow up in this society. Of course, I am able to think logically, with as much integrity and moral and ethics as possible.

My blog has contained many inner demons - Regrets, evil thoughts, bad consideration, whinces and many other negative aspects. They even contain some ghost stories I have compiled in my NS days. However, I have made my diary an open blog, a public one. I have implied earlier that "Pen is mightier than sword". This is why I have to take care not to offend while trying to get my points across. Of course, some points are better left unsaid.

It is my hope that I can have good news to be put into my blog. Truly. Awaiting ...

This friday is also a day of reckoning. I admit I have made too many mistakes that will cost me. Now I can do nothing but to pray for my grades, for I really like research and knowledge, and both which I would need grades to help me. This coming Friday ... I hope I can really smile for the first time .... ...

Up to today, I am not 100% rejected in emotion, and I am definitely not looking to rejection. Rejection is a very negative feeling. However, when you do not even have a significant chance in life to even try to ask, you will turn a little bonker. Either I am really "lucky", or I am a true "loser". I am not proud of this lame statistics and I do not want this record, as I am always prevented from making the first move. I even come up with a lame theory that I am good luck chuck. This is cock and bull, indefinitely. Right now, I keep feeling that I am a loser in this sense. My only focus now is to serve and contribute to my country and society, value family, kinships and friendships, and take care of my health above all, while building up my wealth of knowledge and materials. Only then, can I help others. To help others, I must help myself first.

My confidence has skydived recently, in lieu of the emotional aspects. I do not know what happened. Is it because of my "insolence" or my character, or for what I have done? To me, making her feel uncomfortable is already a lost cause, up to now, as the 2 "quiet" months have passed. Have I talked too much? Have I been too hasty? Have I done something horribly wrong? All these that caused her to be very uncomfortable in my presence, and at the same time, lose the "friend talks" that we formally can have. Now, I keep feeling that I did something wrong, although I really cannot recollect what I have done except, perhaps I have talked too much, maybe too much cock and bull. And maybe I have made a mistake for revealing my affection to people around me. I might have harmed her along the way. I do not blame my friends at the end of the day, the real cause is always the person, myself. If I have been a better person, then things would not have gone or become that bad afterall.

I have since decided to "give up" for the best of the current circumstances, and to hope for the best in our endeavours. With hope, we can continue to be good friends that can communicate openly to each other. I do not have the rights to comment on the "other side", in which I have various possible theories.
However, I can definitely look at myself and ask why do I still make her feel uncomfortable even after months. First of all, somethings are never meant to be, perhaps, especially an intricate thing such as emotion. Secondly, I must be really a person with big flaws though some are my characteristics. For instance, talking cock and rot (dry sense of humour?) must be controlled. Not all people can take the bull, especially the person I like and truly care about. I am very sensitive, and ironically I might also be the one thinking too much.

And this means what I have inputted above might not even be true ... LAme ...

Everything is an illusion, and the things I have pursued are empty and all in the name of youth ...

Perhaps being an "uncle", or maturity or old might not be that bad for me after all ... I prefer to call it wisdom.

Right now, the sense is that I have to be logical and that I must continue to be a better person. Competence, capability, Character. I do feel emo now and then. But life goes on, and I cannot always feel emo. The most insane thing is that I am feeling emo over an illusion, or simply a fragment of my imagination. I know I cannot stop it. But I can minimise it. Logically, I deem all this as obscure and petty issues that I must get over with.

Hope is always there, and I must believe that I always have a choice, a choice to do good and minimise cruelty. The time of peace seems to be now, as I hope humans can continue to advance, beyond enlightenment, beyond transcend. This does not mean that we play God, but to understand the true meaning, the faith and the fulfillment. That is all what is necessary for me now.
I must know what I want. I know what I want. So, I should stop feeling sorry for myself or for other people. Do what I can. Even with lack of talent, I must still attain the "10000 times theory", the theory of genius.

The rain should be over by now, I am looking forward to the rainbow and the clear blue sky. The rain is a big one, but not a disastrous one, thank goodness. This is why I am breathing in the fresh air and waiting to savour.

With renewed optimism, and always looking for hope,
William Kenshin |-_-X|
Gnail I.E.W Hep Mailliw
Bai Wei Liang
For the guy who is not the most lucky person on Earth, but lucky enough.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We always have a choice

We always have a choice, regardless of fate or destiny, for during the peace, for during the prosperous stability of Singapore.

Determinism versus free-will.

I have always underperformed in no matter what ....

Academic, Business, Relationships (Where I do not even have a freaking chance to perform), and even simple tasks. Even my job as a Police officer. I hope as teacher or as a future doctor, and a venture capitalist (Hopefully), I can change !!!

This sounds sad, but we always have a choice.

I am an ordinary person who wants to be extraordinary. Everything requires a price. Of course Integrity and Health and Friendships and Kinships would not be sacrificed.

Hard work and then luck.

I have always been blessed, for the surroundings, but the problem lies in myself.

Unless my ancestors, they are good but their surroundings are bad.

This sounds like another whincing blog.

When can I ever blog a really ecstatic blog?

My grandma's funeral has brought me many ideals, notions and principles. Out of respect for my relatives, I would not comment.

I would not gamble, and I would not follow traditions blindly ... Traditions and religions have always sought to help people instead of limiting people. This is in principle.

At the end of the day, the subjectivity will come from the interpretation.

A short blog ...

William Peh
Hep Mailliw

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Year 2009 and the Emo-ing

The year when everyone expects a downturn in economy. But the worst is yet to be expected. The hope is the government and the people who can do all things necessary. This is the current situation of the world, as I feared more would happen. Chain reactions would occur, tornado would spiral. I hope really, everything would be fine. Year 2012, a year of upheaval and changes and definitely not armegaedon.

I am feeling emotional. I tried to restrain the emotion, but that hormone keep coming in. To be logical, it is pheremone? Emo, is what I feel. I believe it must have been the surroundings. My illogical brain would start to compare, would start to think of the possibilities and would eventually imagine. I do not want to be a sick-maniac, and these are the signs. So, the best way is to quell the desire before they hit you.

This desire will keep coming back. And I have to quell them all over again. The problem is they might become stronger. So you quell harder. The side-effects, a high level of self-abasement and depression. Then, logic is used to sustain the depression.

And the cycle goes on. Each time becoming stronger and stronger. I have been suppressing and not really solve the roots of the problems. I don't know how long I can suppress. But I know for sure, I would not be a crazy person. But I do not want moments of madness. It is destructive to people around me. I am thinking too much. But I am human, I cannot stop emotion, I cannot stop hormone, I cannot stop the thoughts from coming in.

SHoot, I am really sounding like a desperate person turned evil in the movie. I do not want this to happen. I am becoming an anti-hero. Should I be the anti-hero?

Nope, I should not.

Quell my desire. Quell that desire. I know that desire is not really wrong, and not immoral at all. However, I do not want to harm the people. I think of a point of harm would degrade all of goods. This is the opposite of hope. I still hope, but I quell hope. Sounds paradoxical, and yes, I am.

Work should be my focus. Productivity is the finest. However, I hope I do not have regrets. I would find anything worth it. I still want love.

For the world to love me
For my country to love me
For the economy to love me
For my Family to love me
For my friends to love me

The 5 love. In return, I would reciprocate all these love.

I am just emo-ing. It is illogical.

William, Age 23, and nearly transforming into Uncle, and yet at the same time, simply not mature, helpful and GOOD enough.